Book: Woman of the Mists
Author: Lynn Armistead Mckee
I rescued this jewel of a book out of the recycling bin and I’m glad I did. This story takes place in pre-Columbian Florida. The last 50 pages were impossible to put down. It tells the tale of two tribes, one is peaceful and the other is aggressive. One woman has more power than she knows over them both. The end did not disappoint, the message of peace and how to achieve it was worth her struggle and sacrifices. Teeka’s story is an entertaining read. Unfortunately, it appears to be out of print. It doesn’t do any good setting on my bookshelf collecting dust. I much prefer that books are read and enjoyed. I will mail this book to the first person who replies with their mailing address (free of charge). That way she (or he) can read it, enjoy it and share it. Your local library may also be able to find copies.
Heat Level: Steamy. It’s about a young woman’s sexual awakening. The sex scenes are detailed but not erotica.
Yours in reading,
Author Lynne Hill-Clark
Lords and Commoners series and
A Woman’s World series