Lynne is a #1 Amazon Best Selling author. She has written the Lords and Commoners series and the Woman’s World series. Lynne made the short list for the Chanticleer Book Award (2019) and won a 5 Star Reader’s Favorite Award (2021). She was born in Colorado and raised in a small town of eight hundred people. Lynne holds a Doctorate of Psychology in criminology and justice studies. She is an advocate for Restorative Justice, a theme that is incorporated into her novels. Her extensive travels overseas and her work as an American Peace Corps Volunteer in Jordan helped to inspire her stories.
Hill, L. (2010). A study of the relationship between religion, personality and the paranormal. In Rao, R, K. (ed.). Yoga and parapsychology; Empirical research and theoretical studies. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers. Delhi, Indian.
Hill, L. (2014). The effectiveness of restorative justice practices. ProQuest Dissertation and Thesis, p. 1-142. http://search.proquest.com/docview/1548306760
Hill, L. (2016). Of lords and commoners, Book 1. Hill, Clark & Associates. Dolores, CO.
Hill, L. (2017). Of princes and dragons, Book 2. Hill, Clark & Associates. Dolores, CO.
Hill, L. (2018). Of gods and goddesses, Book 3. Hill, Clark & Associates. Dolores, CO.
Hill, L. (2021). A woman’s world, Book 1. Future Classics Publishing. Tucson, AZ.
Hill, L. (2021). Lost powers, Book 2. Future Classics Publishing. Tucson, AZ.
Hill, L. (2021). A collision of worlds, Book 3. Future Classics Publishing. Tucson, AZ.
Hill, L. (2021). A gods and goddesses story: A novelette. Future Classics Publishing. Tucson, AZ.
Lynne is also the publisher of a children's book and numerous blog posts.